Mon/Thurs 8-8, Tues/Wed/Fri 8-6, Sat/Sun CLOSED

Behavior Consults With Dr. Forbes

Dr. Forbes has a special interest in behavior challenges and schedules appointments for these complex concerns

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CCAH is designed to provide specialized care to provide advanced behavioral consultations and interventions. These are complex services tailored to your pet's specific needs.

We also have three credentialed technicians with a special interest in behavior who can provide guidance through training, medical management of behavior concerns, and in-home training. In addition to behavior consultations, we also provide veterinary behavior assessment and modification consultations (BAMC's) during which our technicians work with the patient to alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress during vet visits.

If you're curious about whether you and your pet could benefit from a Behavior Consult, please contact our office and we'll be happy to schedule an initial consult.